
New Video: "Eternity" (after a photograph by W. Eugene Smith)


New Drawings


Mixed med. on Somerset paper; ea. 50" x 38"





New Work in the Studio


May, 2011

Rebecca Clever, editor of the online literary journal Blast Furnace, includes my poem "What Was Useful" in the Spring issue.  Read it and other poems that address, in one way or another, the theme of 'Moving Out' HERE.

From the archives:

 View from the Bridge; charcoal on paper, 40" x 60," 1988



April Update:  Painting/Poetry

Greg McBride of Innisfree Poetry Journal has generously included several of my poems in the latest online issue; read them HERE.

The latest version of the triptych painting (see earlier posting) has now become more a water image than one that is related to, literally, earth and ground.   The "working title" is "Now Water".......


(Sold: Nov., 2011; private collection)



ORIGIN Old English, from Latin Januarius, (month) of Janus, the Roman god who presided over doors and beginnings.

(collage, 5" x 5")


Painting-in-Progress, Painting-in-Process.........


Rod Jellema's Book Launch and Poetry Reading - Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010 - Writer's Center, Bethesda, MD

I am honored to be introducing Rod Jellema at this book launch and reading.  For further details, see below, or visit the Writer's Center website at .  My interview with the poet can be found Here




A Book Launching and Poetry Reading with some Jazz, Hors D’oeuvres, and Wine

Rod Jellema’s new book, Incarnality:  The Collected Poems, will be feted on Saturday afternoon, October 16, at 4 p. m.  The party is open to the public.

Jellema for many years taught poetry and writing workshops  at the University of Maryland and the Writers Center.  In workshops he thought of himself not as a “teacher “ but as a midwife.

Starting late, at 40, his early work attracted the attention of such masters as James Wright and William Matthews.  His last book won the Towson University Prize for 2005.  For a sense of the new book, see  

His readings of a few of the poems will set off some “call-and-response” jamming. David Jellema, Rod’s son, is a professional  jazz cornetist and clarinetist in Austin and San Antonio. Deeply into the New Orleans traditions, working often with the Jim Cullum Jazz Band  (which does weekly nationwide NPR broadcasts) and freelancing other gigs, David enjoys nothing more than spontaneous improvising. And that’s what he”ll do, unrehearsed.

Videos of David Jellema can be found on YouTube.

Poems, catered hors d’oeuvres, music, moderately good wines, lively conversations, and the guest of honor – the book.